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Superheros Page One
No matter our age, young or younger, we all grew up with some type of Superhero.. I
admit that I never intended on having a "Superhero" page on my Monster
website. However I have come to realize that superhero model kits make up a very large section of
our hobby, and many of our modeling friends are quite passionate about the Superhero characters. Growing up in the 60's early
70's, I'm familiar with just about all the super characters and yes I do have my favorites. As a kid I loved Space Ghost..and
also enjoyed a cartoon called Rocket Robinhood.. Anyone remember that one?? I am also enjoying the new Superhero movies.
Finally they have reached a point in movie spfx, where they can make the antics of the Superhero look amazingly real
on screen...
From the X-Men and Spiderman, to the new Batman and Fantastic 4...The Superheros are back with a
vengence and better than ever.....I hope you enjoy the new Superhero Pages , and all the pictures that our friends have sent
in. And if you have any pictures of your own, don't hesitate...send them in.
The figures on this page were sent in by our friend
"Bruce Horton"
"Superheros" Page one, is dedicated to the work of artist Bruce Horton. His work on figure kits of
all genre is quite impressive to say the least. I'm thinking that his passion is beginning to rub off, as I can't wait to
get started on some Superhero kits of my own..
Thanks for sending these in Bruce, their great...
Click on photo of "Anubis"
and visit Bruce's "Artist Page"..